Tru-Connect Acquires IES for Audiovisual & Connectivity Excellence
Technology integration services for your industry and beyond.

Your single-source technology integrator for security and advanced communications systems.
Tru-Connect provides industry-specific technology integration and support to create leading-edge digital connectivity and security for digital footprints of all shapes and sizes. From classrooms to operating rooms, and from manufacturing lines to refineries, Tru-Connect’s turnkey approach delivers the latest technology to meet the growing digital demands placed on your operations.
As your total systems integrator, Tru-Connect works from the ground up and is able to facilitate upgrades to IT infrastructure, as well as next-gen application-level solutions for Wi-Fi indoor/outdoor networks, Public Safety Radio Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), and state-of-the-art Cellular DAS to support a range of LTE and 5G frequencies.
Achieving a truly connected healthcare system can be more than a little challenging. Hospitals and similar facilities need to be accessible, while maintaining the highest level of security. Operations must be efficient, but remain flexible. Tru-Connect is more than up for this challenge.
Times are changing and so are the network demands placed on your campus. For campuses large and small, it can be challenging to create and maintain a robust, reliable, and safe online and physical environment for students, faculty and staff. Tru-Connect is your total technology systems integrator.
Industrial facilities like petrochemical complexes are some of the most challenging environments to provide digital communications and network security. With a wealth of experience working in industrial airspace, including plant network design, engineering, and deployment, Tru-Connect is able to cut through these daunting complexities.
Manufacturing airspace is one of the more challenging digital environments to conquer. Packed with machinery, plant wired and wireless communications can often be riddled with mechanical chaos. This creates a hostile world for wireless communications, as well as the secure transfer of data within a connected plant. Tru-Connect can help you cut through the noise.