Turnkey Video Surveillance System for Agriculture Company

Tru-Connect was tasked to design and install a video surveillance system for an agriculture company that would provide high-resolution video streams from three locations to a central monitoring location.

Tru-Connect designed a hybrid system that incorporated existing analog cameras and infrastructure and new digital cameras into a wide area copper and fiber network to meet the client’s budget objectives. Tru-Connect installed infrastructure where none existed and established encrypted wireless links between select cameras, servers at each remote location and the main server. Federal Grain Inspection Services monitoring information feeds from analog television camera signals to the FGIS monitoring location at each site.

The network was designed with a centralized storage solution to record video streams and achieve reliable high-resolution recording at each site while reducing the bandwidth on the wide area network.

Tru-Connect provided a turnkey service for the video surveillance system, which included: site surveys, system design, electronics and material specifications and procurement, modeling and RF site surveys, fiber and copper terminations and testing, and server programming.